The new Callas 2022 has been presented first preview to the first edition of Amphora Revolution that took place from the 7 th to the 8 th of June 2023 into the beautiful location of Gallerie Mercatali in Verona.
Amphoras for vinification come from ancient times and they are coming again between wine modern producers who are interested to traditional vinification techniques. They are often used for the fermentation and/or aging of a wine. The porous material of which they are done allows a controlled micro-oxygenation and a very good transpiration, by introducing an “ancient” fermentation and a more marked maturation, differently to other materials used to vinify as steel or concrete.
“Monte delle Vigne has the ‘correct’ labels for huge and different client groups, also the ones
more ‘radical’ as the most part of the group which participated to the event”, said Lorenzo
Numanti, during the first day of the event.
“According with Cesare Ricciato– reference point of Monte delle Vigne in the city of Mantova and
also brand manager of Tava amphoras – we decided to participate to the event, but not with the
aim of creating a niche of the world of wine. Callas ’22 is an example of how these fascinating
oenological tools are used in a non-invasive way and how the final product is always an elegant
and clean white wine, following our philosophy of Parmesan producers.”
“Vinification with amphoras requires a more intense attention and care differently to the more conventional methos because the porosity of their structure can make the wine more susceptible to external influences. Anyway, all the oenologists and producers consider this method a fascinating way to explore wine potentials and to obtain unique and surprising results”. These were the words by Andrea Bonini,technic director and Monte delle Vigne agronomist.
In short, the use of amphoras for Monte delle Vigne represents a return to the vinification roots and an opportunity to experiment and renew, by preserving at the same time the identity and the history linked to the wine produced from the winery in more than 40 years.