chi siamo
audaci viticoltori parmensi contemporanei
we feel custodians and spokesmen for a heritage of natural beauty, traditions and wine culture
Through choices we make related to both vineyard and cellar we want to preserve our land and its uniqueness. This is the reason why we farm organically: un traguardo che è il riconoscimento del nostro percorso sostenibile a tutela delle uve e della natura.
I nostri vini prodotti nel rispetto dell’ambiente sono l’emozionante racconto del territorio, l’autentica espressione del terroir di Monte delle Vigne. Per questo in vigna scegliamo low impact techniques and precision agriculture, dosing water, choosing organic fertilizers and green manure. For us this is the only possible way to build a “zero impact”future, to contribute to our and our childrens’ well-being, to keep telling stories of great terroir and high-quality wines.
we feel custodians and spokesmen for a heritage of natural beauty, traditions and wine culture
Through choices we make related to both vineyard and cellar we want to preserve our land and its uniqueness. This is the reason why we farm organically: the organic certification is a recognition of the path we have walked so far in the safeguard of native varieties, vines and the environment. Our wines produced in due respect of the environment are the emotional tale of this landscape, the authentic portrait of Monte delle Vigne.
This is why, in the vineyard we opt for low impact techniques and precision agriculture, dosing water, choosing organic fertilizers and green manure. For us this is the only possible way to build a “zero impact”future, to contribute to our and our childrens’ well-being, to keep telling stories of great terroir and high-quality wines.
Viticulture and winemaking meet at the core of the estate, where the new underground cellar is located.
We have designed it to be perfectly balanced between functionality and aesthetics, as the place where vineyard and cellar efforts meet and grapes are transformed into wine in a way e enhances terroir. della sua unicità, a temperatura costante e dotata di impianto fotovoltaico solare termico e di recupero delle acque piovane. Le piccole vasche in acciaio inox e le barriques in rovere francese accompagnano prima i mosti e poi i vini attraverso un lento processo evolutivo che li renderà emozionanti testimoni di ciò che siamo.
Through an 8-metre fall of grapes inside the vat, gravity-fed pressing guarantees an excellent quality of the wine as grape are not subjected to mechanical action, but berries are naturally crushed by the weight of grapes. The bottling system is completely automatic and offers the most modern technology so as to provide quality wines made with grape varieties deeply rooted locally.once the bottle lands in you hands for being finally enjoyed.