An evening with Callas and three glasses at Enoteca Marcucci

Apr 18, 2023 | News

Monte delle Vigne on Tour boasts another extraordinary stop: an evening dedicated to  Callas for achieving the 3 glasses recognition from Gambero Rosso at Enoteca Marcucci in Pietrasanta. Michele Marcucci, a true ambassador of Monte delle Vigne since the early days of the winery, hosted an event for restaurateurs, journalists, beach resort owners, agents, sommeliers and enthusiasts. The dinner provided an opportunity for industry professionals to meet, share experiences and knowledge, and discover the aging potential of our Callas.

After the lively welcome from the charismatic owner of the wine shop, Michele Marcucci, President Dr. Paolo Pizzarotti stated: “The Monte delle Vigne dream has come true, and I am proud to be here with so many guests to taste a vertical of our iconic label Callas, awarded with the 3 glasses for the fourth time, 40 years after the winery’s foundation”.

Afterward, guests had the opportunity to taste a vertical of three vintages of Callas - 2021, 2020 and 2017 - paired with dedicated dishes crafted by the chef of Enoteca Marcucci. Each wine was introduced by a Monte delle Vigne staff member who explained the winemaking process, tasting notes, and the climatic conditions of each vintage.

The event also allowed to the attendees to get to know the new labels Poggio Alto and Rubina , both of which have been certified organic with the 2021 harvest.

The evening was a success, with over 60 participants who expressed their gratitude for the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of Monte delle Vigne and experience the art of food pairing - the combination of wine and food. A special thanks to Michele Marcucci for the warm welcome and handling of the tasting.



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