Jul 16, 2020 | News

The simplest pairings and flavours are the ones which leave the most pleasant memories in our tasting recollection. And the pairings which combine food and wine of the same area, allow us to create unique flavour tales.

Parmesan Cheese is a great Italian excellence and the versatility in cooking is one of its great qualities. A prestigious cheese which has a high number of estimators all over the world and many copies and imitation attempts.

So, the most important thing is to know the original Parmesan Cheese, certified by the DOP brand. It confirms us that the cheese we are going to taste has been made in the same places and with the same techniques handed down from a generation to another from centuries. Through the years, the techniques and the abilities of the dairymen are not changed a lot. They give shape, with passion and craftsmanship, to this flavour: a work of art.

Another thing to know is that many different evolutions of the same wonderful cheese exist. Each aging gives a distinctive trait to each shape, colours and unique aromas. Between 12 and 18 months , Parmesan Cheese has a harmonious ad delicate flavour , with milk, yogurts and fresh fruit hints and it pairs perfectly with the bubbles of a sparkling white or rosé wine . Until 24 months , it becomes crumblier and grainier and it creates a sweet balance between fresh and dry fruit, to be paired with medium body wines and tastier dishes. The flavour is more intense between 30 and 36 months of aging, with spices hints and aromas of dry fruit ; it becomes a cheese capable of being the protagonist of the entire meal: from the starter, to first courses of fresh or filled pasta, up to the pre-dessert in pairing with fruit and honey. The versatility of this typology of Parmesan Cheese is recognized also by the big possibility of pairing with wines, mainly local, as Monte delle Vigne wines. The highest explosion of aromas is in the Parmesan Cheese that ages more than 40 months : the expectation is rewarded and it goes beyond the test of time, by giving a bouquet of feelings and unique hints. Here, we can decide to pair it with drops of traditional balsamic vinegar and to structured or meditation wines.

Once discovered all the different shades of the types of aging, the voyage between Parmesan Cheese flavours continues to the discover of the DOP Parmesan Chees of Bruna Alpina or the one of delle Vacche Rosse , exclusively produced by milk of these races.

So, have fun by choosing the perfect wine for each Parmesan Cheese evolution and for this adventure, book now our tasting “Vertical Line of Parmesan Cheese”, where you can enjoy discovering the difference between three different variations of Parmesan Cheese paired with three different Monte delle Vigne wines.

discover here our vertical line of parmesan cheese

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