It all begins in the vineyard. And with the people who tend to the vineyard all the year long to then reap its fruits. The grape harvest, the ancient tradition of gathering grapes, represents a crucial moment for Monte delle Vigne. And for our heroic grapes pickers. Heroic because the Hills of Parma, while boasting a millennia-old history in producing fine grapes, are actually steep and rugged, made even more “challenging” by the simple Guyot system that causes the grape clusters to grow just a few centimeters above the ground.
Grape harvesting in the Parma Hills presents numerous challenges: the rugged topography demands grape pickers to be agile and brave, as they must climb the slopes and often work on unstable terrain. Weather conditions can be unpredictable, with the risk of sudden rain or extreme temperatures that may affect their physical well-being, but never their enthusiasm. Because the “men of Bonini” - Monte delle Vigne’s winemaker - are indomitable: after hours and hours under the sun, Luigi, Pietro - tractor masters - Katalyn, known as “Kakà”, Plarent, known as “Renzi” for his political passion, Dante, and the other whom we apologize for not mentioning them all, are sill there, together, with the same eagerness to joke as they had on the first day of the harvest.
La vendemmia sui Colli di Parma presenta numerose sfide: la topografia accidentata richiede ai vendemmiatori di essere agili e coraggiosi, poiché devono arrampicarsi sulle pendici e spesso lavorare su terreni instabili. Le condizioni meteorologiche possono essere imprevedibili, con il rischio di piogge improvvise o di temperature estreme che possono influire sul fisico, ma mai sul loro entusiasmo. Perché gli “uomini di Bonini” – l’enologo di Monte delle Vigne – sono indomabili: dopo ore e ore sotto al sole, Luigi, Pietro – i maestri del trattore -, Katalyn, detto “Kakà”, Plarent, detto “Renzi” per la sua passione politica, Dante e gli altri a cui chiediamo scusa per non menzionarli tutti, sono ancora lì, insieme, con la stessa voglia di scherzare che avevano il primo giorno di vendemmia.
Despite the formidable challenges, the heroic grape pickers of the Parma Hills are driven by their passion for viticulture and the satisfaction of contributing to the production of high-quality wines.
Everything starts with their hard work, and to them goes our heartfelt THANK YOU!