May 7, 2023 | News

Monte delle Vigne non poteva mancare all’ottava edizione di “Lambrusco a Palazzo“, manifestazione organizzata magistralmente da O.N.A.V. e giunta all’ottava edizione, tenutasi sabato 6 e domenica 7 maggio 2023 a San Benedetto Po, in provincia di Mantova.

In the amazing setting of the cloisters of the Monastery of San Benedetto Polirone, founded 7 years after the year 1000 by Matilde di Canossa's grandfather, an event rich in significance unfolded. It was dedicated exclusively to Lambrusco labels in all their variations of grape varieties and origins. In the Cloister of the Seculars, tasting tables were set up for the wineries from Parma - including, of course, Monte delle Vigne - and Reggio Emilia, while in the Cloisters of San Simeone, the producers from Modena and Mantua. All of this was under the careful supervision of the expert members of the National Organization of Wine Tasters.

Lambrusco a Palazzo” was the perfect occasion for Monte delle Vigne to showcase its “trilogy of Lambruscos”: Rio Valli - offering a sneak peek of the 2022 harvest - I Calanchi- a gastronomic, austere wine that truly represents the Maestri grape variety - and I Salici 2021, which impressed the visitors with its bottle refermentation and authentic, full-bodied, and traditional flavor.

“I was pleased to have been present for the impeccable organization in such an amazing location and to embrace the event once again, which, for sadly known reasons, had been interrupted in 2019”, stated Lorenzo Numanti, CEO of Monte delle Vigne. “The significant public participation sends a message of recovery and respect for Lambrusco, so crucial for our Emilian and lower Lombardy areas”.

The tasting event featuring numerous Lambrusco labels proved to be an ideal opportunity to uncover the hidden treasures of this wine with ancient roots and to meet the producers; thanks to the presence of Monte delle Vigne and other wineries from Reggio Emilia, Modena, and Mantua, visitors had the chance to savor some of the finest wines from the region and discover the secrets behind the production of this famous “lively red”.

“Dutiful our gratitude to Giacomo Faelli - O.N.A.V. delegate for Parma - and the presenters at the Monte delle Vigne table over the two days: Chiara Ferrari, Enrica Missorini, and Stefano Pastori provided a fundamental contribution to the winery’s storytelling with their technical insights and enthusiasm”, commented Numanti at the end of the two-day Lambrusco event.

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